Government Services

Government Services provides policy and operational advice and support to the Premier in relation to constitutional, executive government and machinery-of-government matters.

Government Services ensures a strong, accountable system of government and supports the business before Executive Council, providing high-level constitutional and administration support to the Premier and Cabinet as well as supporting ministerial offices and the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. Government Services also includes the newly established Office for Veterans announced as part of the 2019–20 State Budget.

Key achievements for 2019–20

  • Supported the government to achieve gender parity on Queensland Government boards by 2020.
  • Delivered enhancements to the Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Boards and launched the Join a board website to provide an online tool for the advertising of board vacancies and allow members of the public to apply for board positions directly online.
  • Facilitated amendments to the Constitution of Queensland Act 2001 and implemented measures to enable Executive Council meetings to be held via electronic means, ensuring continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Successfully conducted swearing-in ceremonies for new ministers on 11 and 12 May 2020.
  • Continued to deliver the $1.5 million grants program over three years from 2018–19 to 2020–21 to provide support services to veterans and to preserve and create memorials, monuments and other public sites that acknowledge veterans’ achievements. 
  • Established the Office for Veterans in Ipswich to provide a more targeted and coordinated policy making, planning and service provision for veterans.

Our performance

The following service standards in DPC’s 2019–20 Service Delivery Statement were used by the department and the government to assess overall performance of the Government Services service area.

Service area: Government Services Notes 2019–20
Service standards
Effectiveness measure   
Client satisfaction with support and advice provided by Government Services 1 85% 93%
Efficiency measure   
Cost of Government Services as a percentage of departmental cost 2 8% 11%


  1. This service standard informs on overall satisfaction of the service area and is derived from an annual client survey. Clients are Ministers, Chiefs of Staff, Directors-General and their departments’ Cabinet Legislation and Liaison Officers, and senior policy officers.
  2. The service standard informs on the overall cost of Government Services as a percentage of the total departmental budget. The 2019–20 Actual is higher than the target due to savings identified in limited life projects across the department reflecting a higher percentage cost for base services provided by the service area relative to the total departmental budget.

Future directions for 2020–21  

  • Review and update the Guidelines on the Caretaker Conventions in preparation for the caretaker period ahead of the 2020 State General Election and provide advice to government agencies.
  • Facilitate the conduct of the Strategic Review of the Integrity Commissioner.
  • Lead whole-of-government coordination and oversight of veterans’ matters, coordinate veterans’ policy and deliver veterans’ grants and employment programs.
  • Deliver the final round of the $1.5 million grants program over three years from 2018–19 to 2020–21, to provide support services to veterans and to preserve and create memorials, monuments and other public sites that acknowledge veterans’ achievements.

Last updated: 3 November, 2024

Last reviewed: 23 October, 2023