Appendix A – Our Performance – Department Service Standards
Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support
The following service standards were presented in the 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statements to assess overall performance of the Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support service area.
Service area: Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support Notes 2021–2022 |
Notes |
Target/Est. |
Actual |
Service area: Policy Advice and Coordination, and Cabinet Support |
Effectiveness measures |
Client satisfaction with the department’s engagement with the policy development process |
1 |
85% |
63% |
Client satisfaction with advice and support relating to intergovernmental relations |
85% |
83% |
Efficiency measure |
Total cost per hour of policy advice and development output |
$147 |
$147 |
Service: Cabinet support |
Effectiveness measures |
Client satisfaction with support provided by Cabinet Services |
85% |
81% |
Client satisfaction with advice by the department to agencies on performance
management and reporting requirements |
1 |
85% |
70% |
Efficiency measure |
Average cost of supporting Regional and Community Cabinet meetings |
2 |
$15,000 |
$12,747 |
- The department is committed to strong customer satisfaction and sets targets to reflect this commitment. Results may fluctuate due to
the contestable nature of much of the department's work. The department is committed to continuously improving service delivery and
continues to implement strategies to achieve these targets.
- The variance between the 2021–2022 Target/Estimate and 2021–2022 Actual is due to restrictions in place during the COVID-19
pandemic and severe weather events in early 2022 which impacted the form of delivery and the average cost of supporting Regional
and Community Cabinet meetings, with a reduction in travel and hospitality related expenses. Regional and Community Cabinet
meetings were held in Hervey Bay in September 2021 and Stanthorpe in June 2022.
Governance support and advisory services
The following service standards were presented in the 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statements (SDS) to assess overall performance of Government Support and Advisory Services1 service area.
Service area: Governance Support and Advisory Services1 |
Notes |
Target/Est. |
Actual |
Effectiveness measures |
Client satisfaction with support and advice provided by Government Services |
2 |
85% |
82% |
Efficiency measure |
Cost of Government Services as a percentage of departmental cost |
3 |
11% |
11% |
- The service area was presented as Government Services in the 2021–2022 SDS and has been re-named to Governance support and advisory services from 1 November 2021 due to a realignment of functions within the department that saw services transferred
between this service area and Strategy and Engagement (now Engagement and Events Support) service area.
- This service standard has been discontinued in the 2022–2023 SDS and replaced by a client satisfaction measure of the realigned functions of the Governance Support and Advisory Services.
- This service standard has been discontinued in the 2022–2023 SDS and replaced by a cost per hour measure that better expresses the efficiency of the service area.
Engagement and Events Support
The following service standards were presented in the 2021–2022 SDS to assess overall performance of the Engagement
and Events Support1 service area.
Service area: Engagement and Events Support1 |
Notes |
Target/Est. |
Actual |
Effectiveness measures |
Client satisfaction with advice and support provided by Strategy and Engagement |
2 |
85% |
89% |
Efficiency measure |
Cost of strategic engagement services as a percentage of departmental cost |
3 |
21% |
18% |
- The service area was presented as Strategy and Engagement in the 2021–2022 SDS and has been re-named to Engagement and Events Support from 1 November 2021 due to a realignment of functions within the department that saw services transferred between this service area and Government Services (now Governance Support and Advisory Services) service area.
- This service standard has been discontinued in the 2022–2023 SDS and replaced by a client satisfaction measure of the realigned functions of Engagement and Events Support.
- This service standard has been discontinued in the 2022–2023 SDS and replaced by a cost per hour measure that better expresses the efficiency of the service area.
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel
The following service standards were presented in the 2021–2022 Service Delivery Statements (SDS) to assess overall
performance of the Legislative Drafting and e-Publishing service area.
Service area: Legislative Drafting and e-Publishing1 |
Notes |
Target/Est. |
Actual |
Effectiveness measures |
Client satisfaction with legislative drafting services provided by the Office of the
Queensland Parliamentary Counsel |
90% |
100% |
Client satisfaction with the quality of access to legislation available online |
90% |
100% |
Efficiency measure |
Average cost per hour of legislative drafting and publishing output |
2, 3 |
$154 |
$158 |
- The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel’s service area is Legislative drafting and e-Publishing.
- This service standard has been discontinued in the 2022–2023 SDS as the calculation methodology has changed and past performance is no longer comparable. A service standard based on a new calculation methodology will be presented and reported against from the 2022–2023 financial year.
- The 2021–2022 Actual is higher than the 2021–2022 Target/Est primarily due to a lower vacancy rate for OQPC compared to other service areas within DPC which resulted in a higher allocation of corporate overhead costs, factored into the calculation of the cost per hour for OQPC.